i played the best show of my life at a skatepark in connecticut

i wrote this in a bunch of places: at the living gallery in nyc, in the basement of riri's house, but currently...

wed, jul 20 2022, 16:36

riri's studio @ hartford connecticut

i have a lot to say but im feeling a block between my brain and my fingers.

i guess i'll start by explaining where i am at rn. i left brooklyn a few days ago and took a train to hartford connecticut. here's a few photos from that journey.

a view of my siblings room when i woke up in brooklyn.

the bus/train station i arrived at in hartford.

im currently at a house in connecticut for a music production sleepover / hyperpop east coast festival tour. here's some shots of the neighborhood i took when i was first arriving.

i feel incredibly grateful and honored to be here. i am especially grateful for DJ Re:Code for coordinating, building, producing, and hosting this tour.

here is a photo of riri and ness on the porch of the house we are staying at.

i saw a tweet the other day from fraxiom that i think perfectly sums up the awe / wonder / grattitude i feel for riri:

i agree completely with fraxiom. here are a bunch of photos of an amazing series of events that would have straight up not been possible without riri's hardwork, dedication, concentrated power of will.

this was the morning after we all arrived as we were waking up and getting ready before the show at the skatepark. tracey in morning demon mode and goji in pure ableton mode.

yeah0k! getting prepped for the day!

tracey, yeah0k! and Opalla (knives and moon)

cute photo of a bunch of the rock angelz! from left to right: goji!, bi0, otm, DJ Re:Code, Opalla, yeah0k!, wyan19

idk i liked this trash can lol

tracey just vibing on a hill.

i loved this moment when the lights went on at the skate park as the sun was setting. i don't think the ey building had any idea what was going on at the skatepark that night, but i was estactic when i saw the pink and the blue in conjunction with all the graph and beautiful people and skateboards all thrashing together for tracey brakes's set.

tracey brakes in dubstep mode.

these people made my fucking night. they both drove 12 hours from tennessee to see this show. TWELVE HOURS to show up and support a community of artists at a skatepark in connecticut. dj nyanarchy, i just want you to know how absolutely mind breakingly dope all of the rock angelz think you are, and to speak for myself personally, you have changed the way i look at support and showing up for community.

the stage before the lights went down and everyone showed up!! shoutout to ben who built the stage. :)

u can barely see her on the front of the stage, but ryl0 absolutely destroyed her performance. nobody is surprised.

more people jammin to (i dont remember who was playing when i took this).

Opalla SHREDDED. also if u look carefully u can see moon near the stage through the crowd. idk i liked this car in this moment. looked like a mazda commercial lmao.

i did not get photos of everyone (missing photos of tobre, stlrr, and mothgirl), but im just completely blown away with grattitude for everyones involvement. i have more photos and thoughts for later, but for now...
