fall down, get back up or whatever ur dad would say

sunday, 9 may 2021, 18:11

desk @ dtla apartment

i woke up at four. i have been putting off making a canvas for hunger, so with my extra time i played around with motion until i came up with this:

i finished around 7. with nothing really more to do except sit and stare at a computer screen, i headed out to santa monica to try a new coffee spot "bluestone lane". it was okay. huge line outside of the donut place right next door for mothers day. wild tho at 7 in the morninng. i had granola and matcha tea and talked to my mom overlooking the ocean.

i then took this photo so that she could see my outfit:

i came home. while i was in the elevator i was thinking about how i loved all the glitchy bs i used to spew on my instagram when i first downloaded the glitche app. i took a selfie to try to fuck with it in affinity and make a similarly dope fucked up thing. results were meh, im feeling kind of insecure about my visual art skills today.

ate a pop tart and then headed out to eaton canyon to go on a hike with blynn. my canvas escapade from the morning had me curious to try out a more traditional method of 3d photos: take multiple photos of the same thing at different angles. i tried it out. twice. one landscape, one portrait. here are the results:

i just finished trying to come to a conclusion on the false verdict album cover. again, im feeling pretty insecure about my visual art right now so its been not the best process. BUT. the name of the game is resilience — the more i can remember to just make without self judgement and recognize that most of the time im going to swing and miss, the better my art will become. love u wil, take care…

some noteable songs from this evening:
